Saturday, January 11, 2014

What Does Jesus Offer?

Before you begin reading this, I strongly recommend that you watch two ten-minute videos. In these videos, two former atheists who believe they went to Hell (or somewhere near it) tell their stories as parts of each story are dramatized. 
Both of these men are doctors. One was an "alcoholic" physician who partied with famous people like Ringo Starr of The Beatles and Hoyt Axton. The other was a Russian scientist who was run over by a car driven by KGB agents. The latter spent 3 days in the morgue before he was revived. Keep in mind that the first story ends on the second video. 
DO NOT FAST FORWARD THESE VIDEOS TO AVOID HEARING THE CHRISTIAN NARRATOR. IF YOU DO, THE STORIES WILL NOT MAKE SENSE. So get a barf bag if you think you need one. You will hear the name "Jesus" and a few other Bible words from the narrator before he introduces these two men. Click the links below to hear these stories: 
What Must I Do to Be Saved?
(The Beginning of God's Solution for "Addictions")
The message of the Bible is a message of true freedom - freedom from our greatest problem - the problem that is the root cause of all so-called addictions and all so-called mental illness. What problem am I talking about? The problem I am talking about is what the Bible calls SIN. The Bible says that "all [of us] have sinned" (See Romans 3:23 KJV). Sin is a behavior. It is something we do.
But what exactly is this behavior called sin? Well, to understand what sin is you must first understand what we are. We are creatures who have the ability to choose to do right or wrong. This is why our Creator holds us responsible when we choose to do wrong. We have choices and the power to choose, (See Jos 24:15; Isa 65:12 KJV). 

So even so-called alcoholics and so-called addicts are NOT powerless, like Step One of AA and Step One of NA says they are. These 12-step programs are wrong and dangerous
When we do something wrong (like misuse drugs) we can't honestly say we have no choice. We might FEEL like we don't have a choice but, in reality, we do. However, we might not make the right choice simply because we don't like it, or because the wrong choice is more appealing, or because a program like AA has deceived us about this. But we always have a choice to do the right thing - what our Creator wants us to do. 
Our Creator has given us a Book that tells us what is right and what is wrong. But when we choose not to read this Book, understand, believe, and/or follow it, we hurt ourselves and others. We think wrong thoughts that cause us to feel and behave the wrong way, (See Isa 55:9; Php 4:8 KJV). And, many times, psychological counselors are part of the problem.  

Now, let me explain exactly what sin is. The Bible plainly states that...

"Sin is the transgression of the law" (See 1John 3:4 KJV). 

In other words, sin is breaking God's law. It is doing what God's instruction Book says not to do because you want to do it, or not doing what its says to do because you don't want to do it. In other words, sin is choosing to break God's law because you don't want to obey it. You might choose to obey SOME parts of it (if or when you want to) but that's not true obedience. 

How would you feel if a child you wanted to adopt lived in your home but, continually and purposely, chose to break your rules? What if they kept making excuses for breaking your rules when you knew there was no excuse, because you had given them the means to obey them? Or what if they let you know that they are not even interested in knowing your rules? You would be very angry, wouldn't you? Why? Because they are showing they have no real respect for you or your rules. 

You see, you would be angry because it is YOUR house, so you have the right to make the rules, and to expect those who stay there, or visit, to follow your rules. Likewise, the Bible says that...
"The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." (See Psalm 24:1 KJV

In other words, the earth, and everything in it, belongs to the One who created it, including every human being. All people belong to the One who created the human race. And all of us are living on His planet and using His resources. This is why He has the right to make the rules for us to live by. 

He wants to adopt every one of us who is staying on His earth, but most of us are choosing not to obey His rules, His law, (See Ro 8:15; Ga 4:5Eph 1:5 KJV). And just like we would be angry with the rule-breaking child, The Father is angry with us. However, he still wants to adopt us in order to save us from the consequences of sin, which is Hell, (Watch: "Alcoholic" Atheist Doctor Who Died and Went to Hell. Watch: Atheist Psychiatrist Who Died and Went to Hell).

So the question this should lead every lawbreaker to ask (including you and me) is "What must I do to be saved?" This is the question which each of us must learn the answer to, or else be separated from God forever, and suffer the torments of Hell, (Watch: "Alcoholic" Atheist Doctor Who Died and Went to Hell. Watch: Atheist Psychiatrist Who Died and Went to Hell).

"What must I do to be saved?" This question is asked and answered in The Bible (The Book), which is The Word of God. There are other questions in The Bible concerning the welfare of our souls. And, in many places in the Bible, God's plan for saving us is made plain. 

But this question is asked and answered, word for word, in only one place in The Bible, when two preachers named Paul and Silas were in jail. The Bible says that at midnight (while in jail), Paul and Silas sang praises to God, and prayed to Him, and He caused a great earthquake that shook the prison, opened the doors, and unlocked the bands on their wrists and ankles. The jailer, was so frightened and convinced that their message was true that he asked these two preachers this question. The Bible says that...

"[He] came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, And brought them out [of their cell], and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house" (See Acts 16:29-31 KJV). 

"What must I do to be saved?" "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved"! This is the ONLY plan that God has for saving sinners - those who have broken His law.

This is what we each must do if we want to be saved. There was hope for this jailer because he saw himself as he truly was, a lawbreaker (a sinner) on his way to Hell, and he came trembling to ask, "What must I do to be saved?"

Dear reader, you are a sinner. The Bible (The Word of God) from beginning to end emphasizes this fact. It says...

"ALL we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned EVERY ONE to his own way; and [God the Father] hath laid on [Jesus His Son] the [sin] of us ALL." (See Isaiah 53:6 KJV)

This means that we have all strayed away from doing what is right and good. And God does not want us left believing we are good when, in fact, we are sinners who need to be saved. Again, the Bible says that...

"All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (See  Romans 3:23 KJV). 

Here, "the glory of God" means God's approval. So, here, the Bible is telling us that by sinning (by breaking God's law) ALL of us have come short of meeting God's approval. The Bible says...

"Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." (See James 2:10 KJV).

In other words, you are still guilty of breaking God's law even if, in the past, you have not broken all of His commands, or even if you are not breaking all of them now. If you have broken only one of His commands (or you are breaking only one of them now) you are still guilty. And you did this (or you are still doing it) on purpose. You thought about doing it and then decided to do it, or you are still choosing to do it. In other words, the sin you committed was premeditated. And it was a habit and maybe still is. 

And by being in the habit of breaking this command on purpose, you showed that you were not under God's authority. And if you are still breaking it, you are showing that you are still not under His authority. And whatever commands that you DID follow, you you followed for selfish reasons, not because you cared about doing God's  will. And the same is true today.

So, back then, God was not patting you on the back for not breaking some of His commands, and He is not patting you on the back for not breaking some now. So don't deceive yourself into believing that He was pleased with your behavior then, or that He is pleased with it now. And you are in very serious trouble unless you get honest about this, and then... BELIEVE THE TRUE GOSPEL. If you do, God will forgive you, adopt you, and save you all at the same time.

But what is The True Gospel? Well, the word "gospel" means "good news". So the question is, what is the good news you must believe for God to save you? The good news is that your sins have been paid for by Jesus, God's Son. This is the good news you have to believe for God to forgive, adopt, and save you. Jesus said...

"God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him [will not go to Hell], but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (John 3:16-18 KJV)

Jesus made it very clear that all of us are "condemned already" if we don't believe in Him. So if you want to be saved, you must admit to yourself that you are a sinner who needs to be saved." No one has ever been saved (or ever will be) without first admitting that they are a sinner.

So I am pleading with you to be honest about this fact. Confess that you have hardened your heart and resisted the call of God - that you have rejected Jesus Christ. You might see yourself as a pretty good person and others might agree. But the question is, how does GOD see you? That's what will count in the end. How do you measure up when you compare yourself with the kind of person that HE says you should be? 
The Bible says that God created us "to be conformed to the image of his Son" (See Romans 8:29 KJV). So have you been becoming more and more like Jesus Christ in the way you think and behave?

If you are honest, the answer is NO. You have been seeing things and doing things your own way, not God's way (Php 2:5 KJV). You have been breaking as many of God's commands as you please. So God does not see you as a pretty good person. He sees you as a sinner who needs to be saved. 
Here is God's simple way to be saved. Confess that you are a sinner, that your heart is wrong, that you cannot save yourself, and that you are already condemned. After this, all you have to do is simply trust Jesus Christ as your Savior. 

It is not good enough to just believe He is the Savior, but you must believe He is YOUR Savior. It has to be personal. For example, you can believe that a certain physician is a good doctor without calling him to be YOUR doctor when you are sick. You can believe that a certain man is a good lawyer without taking him as YOUR lawyer to defend YOUR case. And you can believe that Jesus is the Savior without receiving Him as YOUR Savior. The Bible says that...

"As many as RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (See John 1:12 KJV)

So to be saved, you must receive Christ as YOUR Savior by believing on His name. "Believ[ing] on his name" is just another way of saying "believing in Him". So when you receive Christ as your Savior by believing in Him, God forgives you and you are saved - you are adopted into the family of God.

You see, believing on Christ means you are depending on Him, trusting Him to save you instead of trusting in something or someone else to save you. You cannot be saved by keeping the Ten Commandments because The Bible clearly shows that you have not kept them. It says...

"By [obeying the law] there shall no [man] be [guiltless] in [God's] sight" (See Romans 3:20 KJV).

The Bible also says... 

"That NO MAN is [guiltless] by [obeying] the law in the sight of God, it is evident" (See Galatians 3:11 KJV).

The Bible says, again and again, that we cannot be saved by obeying God's law. It says... 

"Not by works of righteousness which WE have done, but according to his mercy he saved us" (See Titus 3:5 KJV) 

It also says...

"By grace are [you all] saved through faith; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the gift of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast." (See Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV). 

This tells us that God will forgive us (although we don't deserve it) if we trust Christ to save us instead of trying to save ourselves. It also tells us that God's forgiveness is a free gift, (Ephesians 2:9 KJV). NO ONE deserves to be saved and NO ONE can save themselves. In fact, it takes blood to pay for sin. The Bible says...

"Without shedding of blood is no remission" (See Hebrews 9:22 KJV). 

It also says that all of us are "redeemed" (bought, saved) by... 

"The precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot" (See 1Peter 1:18-19 KJV)

In the Old Testament times, every lamb, bull, goat, dove, and pigeon, that was offered on the altar as a sacrifice, represented us as guilty sinners who must have some innocent person to shed his blood to pay for our sins. Jesus died to pay for everyone's sins, including yours. And in order to be saved, all you have to do is believe this. This is what it means to "believe on him". The Bible says that... 

"The wages of sin is death; but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ" (See Roman 6:23 KJV).

Being a member of a church will not save you. If you have been baptized, that will not save you either. Baptism does not save anyone and does not keep anyone saved. Getting baptized is only something you should do AFTER you have been saved, (See Acts 8:12; Acts 8:18; Acts 18:8 KJV).

Being what you think is a good person, or a lodge member, or a good citizen will not save you. Why? Because nothing YOU do can save you. So please don't depend on what you do, or on some church, group, or club you belong to. Depend ONLY on what Jesus promises to do for you if you will simply believe that His death on the cross paid for your sins. YOU ARE SAVED THE MOMENT YOU BELIEVE THIS. 
The jailer who asked "What must I do to be saved? was saved instantly, the moment he believed. He did not have to cry, beg, or do anything. He was simply told to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and that was it. And he did just that and was saved, and his whole family was saved the same way, immediately.

If you read the New Testament, you see over and over again that people were saved all at once without any process. A man named Zacchaeus was up in a tree when he trusted Jesus and was saved. When he climbed down out of the tree and came to Jesus, Jesus said... 

"This day is salvation come to this house" (See Luke 19:6-9 KJV).

When a man named Cornelius, and everyone in his house, were told that they could be saved by believing, they simply believed the message and God saved them, (See Acts 10:44-48 KJV).

Two wicked thieves, hanging on crosses next to Jesus, were insulting Him. But, a little while later, one of them got honest about being a sinner and changed his mind about Jesus. He believed on Him and was saved immediately, (See Matt 27:38; Mark 15:32; Luke 23:39-43 KJV).  

Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael were all saved, one by one, immediately, by believing in Christ, (See John 1:35-49 KJV). The Bible does not say that anyone has to wait, or mourn, or cry about his sins before trusting Jesus and being saved. And there is no example of anyone doing these things before being saved. 

When a person believes in Christ they have repented. "Repent" means to change your mind. When you change your mind about Jesus Christ by believing in Him, you are saved immediately, no matter what you do or how you feel. 

The only thing that will keep you from being saved right now is holding on to something evil in your heart, instead of being honest about your sin and trusting Jesus Christ. You might be holding on to anger, bitterness, or some resentment you have because of some bad experience(s) you have had. 
But I'm pleading with you to put all this aside and change your mind and trust in Christ and be saved. Whatever happened to you was not God's fault, even if you chose to believe that it was. Besides, you have no excuse for that wrong thing you chose to break just because it felt good to do it. So you need to be saved just like every other sinner.

And you can be saved without praying. However, there are many cases in The Bible where sinners prayed to be saved. But they prayed because they believed. BELIEVING is what saved them. The Bible says...

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13 KJV 

So you can pray to God to save you, and He will. But it will be because you believe, not because you prayed. 
What if you had no tongue and could not speak? If you had to call on God to save you, you could not be saved. But The Bible says that God is "not willing that any should perish" which means He wants everyone to be saved, including people who can't speak, (See 2Pe 3:9 KJV). So BELIEVING is all it takes to be saved. 

Many people believe that a sinner cannot be saved without a period of prayer, without consciously calling on God. However, the Bible does not say that a sinner must pray in order to be saved. In fact, immediately following the verse in Romans 10:13 is an explanation which shows that calling on God is just an evidence of your faith and that it is really faith which settles the matter. Read it again. 

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?" (Romans 10:13-14 KJV).

God encourages the sinner to pray, and He hears and answers the sinner's prayer if that sinner trusts in Jesus Christ for salvation when he prays. He heard the prayer of the thief on the cross, of the publican in the Temple, of blind Bartimaeus (See Luke 23:42Luke 18:13Mark 10:46-47 KJV). But the Scripture says, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?"

So when it comes to being saved, prayer is just an evidence of faith. It is not necessary to pray to be saved. No matter how long one prays, if he does not trust in Christ, he can never be saved. If he trusts in Christ, even without prayer, then he is saved already. There is only one plan of salvation and just one step a sinner must take to be saved. That step is to BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ. 

God is not hardhearted. It doe not takes many tears, loud cries, and long periods of sorrow for Him to save a sinner. You don't have to touch His heart somehow and get Him ready to forgive you. He loves people so much that He gave His only Son (the only Son that He did not create or adopt) so that whoever BELIEVES in Him will not be lost forever, sentenced to endless misery, but will have everlasting life instead. (See John 3:17 KJV)

All sins are already paid for by Jesus' death on the cross. So if you believe that YOUR sins have been paid for, God's will no longer be angry with you, although you have been ungrateful to Him and have rebelled against Him. 
He wants to save every sinner more than you can imagine. So you don't have to beg Him to forgive your sins. You just need to be honest about being a sinner, who has broken His law on purpose, and believe the good news that Christ has paid the penalty for you. Being saved is that easy.

However, some people believe that you must stop breaking God's law in order to be saved. But a sorcerer named Simon was saved although his heart was not "right with God." Almost immediately after he believed the gospel and was saved, Simon showed that he had not changed his ways. He still had a wicked desire, and made a wicked request, but he was still a child of God because he believed the gospel, (See Acts 8:9-13 KJV).  

So to be saved all you have to do is believe. However, like Simon, your evil desires might not change immediately, and you might be in danger of losing your life, you will still be God's child, (See Acts 8:18-24 KJV). Another example of this is a man named Ananias and his wife named Sapphira. They were both saved but they were killed because they lied to God, (See Acts 5:1-10 KJV). They were still God's adopted children but they lost their lives because of their bad behavior. So please see the difference between believing and being saved, and changing AFTER you are saved.

And you don't have to feel a certain way immediately BEFORE you are saved, at the MOMENT you are saved, or immediately AFTER you are saved. You might cry when you are saved, or you might laugh, or you might thank God out loud. But it does not matter how you feel as long as you believe. People are not saved by feeling something, they are saved by believing that Christ died for their sins.

Jesus told a story of a boy who left home and ended up in a mess. He was still is the mess when he decided to go back to his father's house, but he did not feel good. He was without shoes, clothed in rags, hungry, and without any evidence that his father would forgive him. But he left the hog pen and went home to his father, not by how he felt, but by faith in his father, and his father received him, like God the Father receives every sinner who will come to Him by believing in Christ.  

As the boy in this story came near to his father's house, his father saw him from a long way off and recognized him. He ran to the boy and hugged him and kissed him. And the boy confessed that he was a sinner who did not deserve to be called his father's son. But his father was not hard on him because of what he had done. Instead, he told his servants to bring the best robe and put it on his son, and to put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. He also told them to cook the best beef in the house, and they all had a good time.

Jesus told this story so we would know what God is like when a sinner comes to his senses and humbly comes to Him. God hurries to embrace the sinner. He will not be hard on you because of what you have done. He will cause others to help you help you and/or He will help you Himself. If not at the moment you are saved, sooner or later, good feelings will come. So don't worry about how you feel, just believe the good news.

After you are saved, you will also experience peace and joy when you are baptized, reading His Word, telling others the good news, and doing all you can to please Him. You need to go to the Lord again and again day by day for the joy of a Christian life. But, thank God, that salvation is settled once and for all when you simply depend on Christ as your Savior.

And every person who is saved ought to publicly confess Christ. To claim Christ as your Savior is more evidence that you trust Him. So please do not make this a difficult matter. There is one simple step between you and Jesus. The moment you trust Him you will receive Him whether you feel like you did or not. Jut take the answer in Acts 16:31 at face value: "BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED". 

In dozens of Scriptures, all through the Bible, salvation is promised to those who believe. Read the following Scriptures carefully and see that this is true.

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE on his name."—John 1:12.

"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever BELIEVETH in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever BELIEVETH in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."—John 3:14-16

"He that BELIEVETH on him is not condemned: but he that BELIEVETH not is condemned already, because he hath not BELIEVED in the name of the only begotten Son of God."—John 3:18.

"He that BELIEVETH on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that BELIEVETH not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."—John 3:36.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and BELIEVETH on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life."—John 5:24.

"And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and BELIEVETH on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."—John 6:40.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that BELIEVETH on me hath everlasting life."—John 6:47.

"To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever BELIEVETH in him shall receive remission of sins."—Acts 10:43.

"And by him all that BELIEVE are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses."—Acts 13:39.

Now read again the Scripture we started with:

"What must I do to be saved?" "BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."—Acts 16:30, 31.  

If you were sick and about to die, and there was some good doctor whom you could trust, would you not risk him to take your case, give you the necessary treatment and, with God's help, get you well? Then just like that, trust in Christ, depend on Him for your salvation today.

With the same kind of faith that you call in a doctor and place your body in care, you can call in the Lord Jesus Christ and place your soul HIS care. Trust God to forgive your sins if you believe in Him. Jesus said...

"They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick" (Luke 5:31 KJV). 

Jesus is the Great Physician and will heal your soul instantly if you will trust Him. Just like you would trust a doctor, and let him treat you, and depend on him for results, in the same way trust Jesus today with your soul. 

We all know that human doctors fail many times, and their results are gradual, but this is still a good example of trust. Plus the doctor can't work any miracles but Jesus can. And He can save you immediately, instantly, without any effort on your part, when you trust Him! Why not simply trust Jesus like you would trust a good doctor? Jesus is better than any doctor, of course, and you do not have to pay Him a fee, and He never fails.

If you committed a crime and were thrown in jail, the first thing you would probably do would be to call your lawyer (if you had one) because you have confidence in him. You would trust him with the entire matter of your defense.

Well, in God's sight you are a criminal who is already condemned.  But He has provided somebody to defend you before the bar of God's justice, and Jesus is that lawyer. The Bible says...

"If any man sin, we have an advocate [a lawyer] with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" (1John 2:1 KJV). 

Jesus will not only be your lawyer to defend your case, He has already paid the penalty and you may safely trust Him to have you immediately pardoned and declared not guilty. Why not simply trust Jesus like you would trust a good lawyer? Jesus is better than any lawyer, of course, and you do not have to pay Him a fee, and He never fails.

The way is plain and you can be saved this moment if you will. It has become plain to you that it is your own fault if you are guilty in the sight of God. Do you hate Jesus Christ? Will you hold on to your unbelief and go to Hell because of your stubbornness? Nothing in the world could show your wickedness like postponing this matter. You can be saved right now, this very moment. I am pleading with you to do it now. Turn from your unbelief and trust in Christ. 
Choose Heaven instead of Hell, choose Christ instead of Satan. Don't let the Devil deceive you any longer. If you don't trust Christ right now, it might result in your heart being hardened completely. You might waste your life and end up Hell, (Watch: "Alcoholic" Atheist Doctor Who Died and Went to Hell. Watch: Atheist Psychiatrist Who Died and Went to Hell).

And if you are not saved, after God has made the way so plain and Christ has paid the price for your sins, then you will have no one to blame but yourself. So please trust Jesus Christ today and be saved. The Bible says...

"Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." (Proverbs 27:1 KJV).

In other words, you might not live to see another day. It also says...

"To day if ye will hear [God's] voice, Harden not your hearts." (Hebrews 3:7-8 KJV).

God is keeping you alive in order to trust Christ, but there is no promise that He will continue to do so. So please do it right now. Claim Christ as your Savior. You are saved when you trust Christ.

Then claim Him publicly and don't be ashamed (Mark 8:38 KJV). It is God's plan that after trusting Christ you should be baptized and join in with His people. I hope you will join a Bible-believing church and let yourself be known publicly, from this time forth, as a child of God.